Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Looking for a part-time job, soon

My part-time job is going to end this month. As much as I like the current job, I think I have to start looking for another part-time job. The reason being that even if there is another contract offered to me, I will only be informed at the very last minute. So, I think it is better for me to build another "safety net" just in case there is no more job for me.

Come to think about it, time really flies when you are busy. I was feeling very lazy to start my week and without me knowing it is the middle of the week already. I think that is one of the good thing about having a part-time is that I can divert my focus on the part-time job whenever life gets a bit bumpy. I keep reminding myself that there are things to do and I really don't have time to feel down, frustrated, upset and whatever. The extra income is one thing, but it forces me to be more focus, productive and efficient, and I am glad that I can manage between my full-time job and part-time job, while trying to have a life.

Well, time to do a little bit of scouting.

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